Algue, a priest, invented the barocyclonometer, to detect approach of cyclones. | Ampere was founder of the science of electrodynamics, and investigator of the laws of electro-magnetism. |
Becquerel, Antoine Cesar, was the founder of electro-chemistry. | Becquerel, Antoine Henri, was the discoverer of radio-activity. |
Binet, mathematician and astronomer, set forth the principle, "Binet's Theorem." | Braille invented the Braille system for the blind. |
Buffon wrote the first work on natural history. | Carrell, Nobel prize winner in medicine and physiology, is renowned for his work in surgical technique. |
Caesalpinus, a Papal physician, was the first to construct a system of botany. | Cassiodorus, a priest, invented the watch. |
Columbo discovered the pulmonary circulation of the blood. | Copernicus, a priest, expounded the Copernican system. |
Coulomb established the fundamental laws of static electricity. | De Chauliac, a Papal physician, was the father of modern surgery and hospitals. |
De Vico, a priest, discovered six comets. | Descartes founded analytical geometry. |
Dumas invented a method of ascertaining vapor densities. | Endlicher, botanist and historian, established a new system of classifying plants. |
Eustachius, for whom the Eustachian tube was named, was one of the founders of modern anatomy. | Fabricius discovered the valvular system of the veins. |
Fallopius, for whom the Fallopian tube was named, was an eminent physiologist. | Fizeau was the first to determine experimentally the velocity of light. |
Foucault invented the first practical electric arc lamp; he refuted the corpuscular theory of light; he invented the gyroscope. | Fraunhofer was initiator of spectrum analysis; he established laws of diffraction. |
Fresnel contributed more to the science of optics than any other man. | Galilei, a great astronomer, is the father of experimental science. |
Galvani, one of the pioneers of electricity, was also an anatomist and physiologist. | Gioja, father of scientific navigation, invented the mariner's compass. |
Gramme invented the Gramme dynamo. | Guttenberg invented printing. |
Herzog discovered a cure for infantile paralysis. | Holland invented the first practical sub marine. |
Kircher, a priest, made the first definite statement of the germ theory of disease. | Laennec invented the stethoscope. |
Lancist, a Papal physician, was the father of clinical medicine. | Latreille was pioneer in entomology. |
Lavoisier is called Father of Modern Chemistry. | Leverrier discovered the planet Neptune. |
Lully is said to have been the first to employ chemical symbols. | Malpighi, a Papal physician, was a botanist, and the father of comparative physiology. |
Marconi's place in radio is unsurpassed. | Mariotte discovered Mariotte's law of gases. |
Mendel, a monk, first established the laws of heredity, which gave the final blow to the theory of natural selection. | Morgagni, founder of modern pathology; made important studies in aneurisms. |
Muller was the greatest biologist of the 19th century, founder of modern physiology. | Pashcal demonstrated practically that a column of air has weight. |
Pasteur, called the "Father of Bacteriology," and inventor of bio-therapeutics, was the leading scientist of the 19th century. | Picard, a priest, was the first to measure accurately a degree of the meridian. |
Regiomontanus, a Bishop and Papal astronomer; was the father of modern astronomy. | Scheiner, a priest, invented the pantograph, and made a telescope that permitted the first systematic investigation of sun spots. |
Secchi invented the meteorograph. | Steensen, a Bishop, was the father of geology. |
Theodoric, a Bishop, discovered anesthesia in the 13th century. | Torricelli invented the barometer. |
Vesalius was the founder of modern anatomical science. | Volta invented the first; complete galvanic battery; the "volt" is named after him. |
Other scientists: Agricola, Albertus Magnus, Bacon, Bartholomeus, Bayma, Beccaria, Behalm, Bernard, Biondo, Biot, Bolzano, Borrus, Boscovitch, Bosio, Bourgeois, Branly, Caldani, Cambou, Camel, Cardan, Carnoy, Cassini, Cauchy, Cavaliere, Caxton, Champollion, Chevreul, Clavius, De Rossi, Divisch, Dulong, Dwight, Eckhel, Epee, Fabre, Fabri, Faye, Ferrari, Gassendi, Gay-Lussac, Gordon, Grimaldi, Hauy, Heis, Helmont, Hengler, Heude, Hilgard, Jussieu, Kelly, Lamarck, Laplace, Linacre, Malus, Mersenne, Monge, Muller, Murphy, Murray, Nelston, Nieuwland, Nobili, Nollet, Ortelius, Ozaman, Pelouze, Piazzi, Pitra, Plumier, Pouget, Provancher, Regnault, Riccioli, Sahagun, Santorini, Schwann, Schwarz, Secchi, Semmelweis, Spallanzani, Takamine, Tieffentaller, Toscanelli, Tulasne, Valentine, Vernier, Vieta, Da Vinci, Waldseemuller, Wincklemann, Windle, and a host of others, too many to mention. |